Acest site este finanțat prin Mecanismul Financiar Norvegian 2014-2021. Proiect NAS-EVAL.
National Anticorruption Strategy 2021-2025

Standard for publication of information of public interest concerning the state owned companies

In addition to the information of public interest provided nu Annex no. 4, the state-owned companies shall take the necessary measures to publish on their websites the following data and information (including open format where possible):

1. The structure of the Management Board (MB) and of the managers, with indication of:

  • Name of each member of the MB/managers;
  • CV of each member of the MB and managers;
  • Date on which they became members of the MB/managers;
  • Political affiliation of each member/manager;
  • Declarations of assets and of interests of each member of the MB/manager during the entire period of mandate;
  • Remuneration of each member of the MB/manager (including benefits, bonuses or other allowances);
  • Their status (interim or final).

2. Procedure by which the selection of the members of the Management Board and of the General Manager was performed, as well as relegations of the respective functions within the last 3 years and reasons for the relegations;

3. Letter of expectations;

4. Contract of mandate;

5. Disclosure of the investment budget in each of the last 3 financial years;

6. Disclosure of the total staff related expenditure in the last 3 years (including salaries, benefits, bonuses, trainings or professional training, expense accounts and other allowances);

7. Disclosure of the debts of the state-owned companies to the state budget, to banks and trade partners, with indication, for each category, of the percentage which corresponds to arrears;

8. Value of the operational subsidy received from the state budget;

9. Details on the services or goods produced by the enterprise in public interest;

10.Indication of the company’s public policy objective;

11.Details on risk situations / risk analysis in the enterprise’s field of activity;

12.The integrity plan of the state-owned company (elaborated in accordance with the OECD Good Practice Guidance on Internal Controls, Ethics, and Compliance) and the mechanism for reporting the breaks of the law by the whistle-blowers;

13.Disclosure of the external audit report;

14.Disclosure of the aggregated annual report on the website of the state-owned company.

The information provided by this Annex will be published in a distinct section of the state-owned company’s webpage. If the state-owned company doesn’t have a dedicated website, all this information will be published on the website of the guardianship authority.

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