Acest site este finanțat prin Mecanismul Financiar Norvegian 2014-2021. Proiect NAS-EVAL.
National Anticorruption Strategy 2021-2025

Monitoring and evaluation

Entities responsible for the coordination and monitoring of the strategy implementation 

The implementation of the 2021-2025 NAS will be performed under the authority and coordination of the Minister of Justice who will report to the Government. The Ministry of Justice will annually submit to the Romanian Parliament a summary of the NAS implementation stage. The cooperation platforms developed within the previous strategies will be maintained, namely: 

  1. a) the platform of independent authorities and of the anti-corruption institutions;
  2. b) the platform of the central public administration;
  3. c) the platform of the public local administration - coordinated in a partnership with MDLPA (who will be responsible for convening it);
  4. d) the platform of the business environment;
  5. e) the platform of the civil society.

The platforms will be convened biannually or whenever necessary. The participating entities will be presenting the progress and challenges recorded in the implementation of measures stipulated under NAS 2021-2025 that they are tasked with, in a summary form, within the cooperation platforms.

In order to support the process of monitoring and implementation of measures included in the strategy, MJ will be providing the technical secretariate of NAS. 

NAS monitoring methodology 

The objectives of the monitoring methodology are: 

  • To identify the progress made in the implementation of the NAS;
  • To identify and correct the practical problems encountered in the application of the anticorruption policies and norms;
  • To increase the level of knowledge, understanding and implementation of the measures for corruption prevention, at the level of the public and private sector.

The Technical Secretariat, with the support of the institutions represented at the level of the platforms, will conduct activities of monitoring and institutional support for the implementation of the strategy which will include: 

  • delivery of annual monitoring reports;
  • supporting the NAS implementation by public authorities and institutions;
  • the delivery of the new NAS portal;
  • centralization and periodical updating of the stage of implementation of the inventory of the measures of institutional transparency and corruption prevention (annex 3 to the Government Decision), based on the self-assessment reports;
  • documentation and dissemination of good practices identified;
  • organization of the thematic missions and ad-hoc thematic missions;
  • delivery of research papers and studies;
  • organization of exchanges of experience and best practice with relevant public institutions from the perspective of NAS implementation.

Should some exceptional circumstances arise that might emphasize the potential mis-implementation of the regulatory framework in the integrity matter or which have been caused by an integrity incident, ST NAS will be able to initiate actions to organize ad-hoc thematic evaluation. The purpose of these ad-hoc missions is to assess the manner in which the institution implemented the measures for institutional transparency and corruption prevention, from the perspective of the exceptional background which called for such a measure.

The status of implementation of the strategy will be evaluated based on monitoring reports drafted annually by the Technical Secretariat and will include evaluations of the current stage of implementation of the strategy, the deficits identified and recommendations for remedy. The reports designed by the Technical Secretariat are presented within the platforms. The monitoring performed through the mechanisms and measures proposed further above will be supplemented with the conclusions of the periodic reports issued as part of the international initiatives to which Romania is a party to. 

The monitoring procedures will be detailed in the Methodology for the monitoring of the strategy implementation, approved by an order issued by the Minister of Justice, following the consultation with the five cooperation platforms. 

Ex-post evaluation of the impact of the strategy 

The ex-post evaluation of the impact of the strategy will aim to look at the way in which resources are used, accomplishment of the impact expected and efficiency of the interventions. The success or failure factors will be evaluated, as well as the sustainability of the results and the impact of the NAS. For an adequate evaluation of the results of the NAS, the ex-post evaluation has to be performed after a certain amount of time has passed from the implementation. External evaluators may be contracted for this purpose.

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