Acest site este finanțat prin Mecanismul Financiar Norvegian 2014-2021. Proiect NAS-EVAL.
National Anticorruption Strategy 2021-2025

Budget and legal issues

The implementation of the strategy will be carried out within the limits of the fiscal-budgetary strategies for the period 2021-2024. Funding will be provided from the budgets of the institutions involved, up to the amounts approved annually for this purpose. In cases where these resources are not yet covered, it is important that each public institution, public authority and public enterprise review its budgetary priorities to ensure that the minimum resources are reflected in the 2021-2025 budgets. In order to meet the objectives of this strategy, alternative sources of funding to those from the state budget will also be considered, such as the structural funds for the period 2021-2027 or external funding provided by other organizations/states (e.g. World Bank, Norwegian Financial Mechanism, bilateral assistance from other states). The implementation of the Government decision will be made within the limits of the fiscal-budgetary strategy in force, as well as within the limits of the funds approved annually for this purpose by the annual budgetary laws to the institutions involved in the implementation of the Strategy.

The strengthening of the anti-corruption intervention will also involve analysing and, where appropriate, improving the relevant legislation, as mentioned, or it could result indirectly in the general objectives and related directions of action. The implementation of the measures provided for in the present strategy may also involve the adoption of administrative acts with normative character by the institutions involved.

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