Acest site este finanțat prin Mecanismul Financiar Norvegian 2014-2021. Proiect NAS-EVAL.
National Anticorruption Strategy 2021-2025




On 10th of August 2016, The National Anticorruption Strategy (NAS) 2016-2020 was approved by Government’s Decision no. 583/2016. Additionally, to the strategic document itself, NAS 2016-2020 includes four support documents: the performance indicators, risks and verification sources that are associated with the strategic objectives and measures from NAS 2016-2020; the inventory of the transparency and corruption prevention measures, associated with evaluation indicators; two standards for publishing public interest information (one is dedicated to state-owned enterprises).

NAS 2016-2020 includes measures that are aimed at all public institutions representing the executive, legislative and judicial powers, local public authorities, business and civil society, from Romania. The strategic document has the goal of promoting integrity through the rigorous application of the legislative and institutional framework, in order to prevent corruption. Through the general and specific objectives of the strategic document, NAS 2016-2020 promoted decision-making transparency and open governance, while being entrenched on three areas of intervention from the perspective of the fight against corruption: prevention, education and combating.

Point 9.3 from the National Anticorruption Strategy 2016-2020 refers to the ex-post evaluation of the strategy’s impact, by analyzing the way in which resources were used, accomplishment of the impact expected and efficiency of the interventions, with the support of some external evaluators. 

In the context of implementing this activity, the Ministry of Justice  started, on April 28, 2021, the implementation of the project "The evaluation of the implementation of the National Anticorruption Strategy 2016-2020 and the development and recommendations for future steps", through the "Justice" program, funded by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021.

Project details


“The evaluation of the implementation of the National Anticorruption Strategy 2016-2020 and the development and recommendations for future steps” (NAS-EVAL).


Order of the Minister of Justice no. 2618/C din 28.04.2021 regarding the funding of the project “The evaluation of the implementation of the National Anticorruption Strategy 2016-2020 and the development and recommendations for future steps” funded by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021.

The partnership agreement was signed by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) on 07.06.2021.

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development is an intergovernmental forum whose activity object is to identify, disseminate and evaluate the application of the optimal public policies, in order to ensure the economic growth, prosperity and sustainable development among member states and globally, as well.    


17 months

495.000 euro


The objective of NAS-EVAL project is evaluation of the anticorruption policy in Romania, the two outputs pursued being:

- implementation of the National Anticorruption Strategy 2016-2020 assessed;

- technical capacities of the Ministry of Justice for monitoring anticorruption standards implementation, improved. 

NAS-EVAL was developed with the view to support the Romanian MoJ to have an overall picture of the level of implementation of the anticorruption standards, provided by the NAS 2016-2020. From this perspective, the most important component of the project is the external evaluation of the strategy, in order to identify best practices, gaps and difficulties encountered, activity that will be implemented in partnership with the experts from the Division Public Sector Integrity within the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

The second component of the project refers to the development of the new web portal of NAS, which would allow the Ministry of Justice to collect and publish information on the implementation of the future national anticorruption strategy. The implementation of this activity will be carried out by a company selected through public procurement procedures.


In order to implement the main objective - Performing the ex-post evaluation of the National Anticorruption Strategy (NAS) 2016-2020, during July and November 2021, the following activities were carried out: drafting the Methodology for evaluating the NAS 2016-2020, organising consultations between the OECD experts and the representatives from the NAS' cooperation platformes, organising two additional meetings at the OECD experts' request and, finally, answering to all the requests that MoJ received from the OECD, regarding the drafting and the implementation process of NAS 2016-2020. Following the consultation and desk research process, the OECD experts elaborated the report " Evaluation of the Romanian National Anti-corruption Strategy 2016-2020"; the document, available in Romanian and English as well, covers best practices identified, challenges and problems encountered during the implementations process of NAS 2016-2020, and also the recommendations of the OECD experts for the effective planning and implementation of future policies.

The activity for developing the new web portal of the NAS is ongoing.


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Press release 2

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Address: Str. Apolodor nr. 17, Sector 5, București


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